Indian benchmark indices were trading in the green after touching fresh record highs on Thursday. The BSE Sensex gained over 240 points or 0.37% to trade at 63,339.88. The NSE Nifty is trading at 18,833, up 0.4%. Sectorally, Nifty IT is up 2.58% with constituents TechM, Coforge, Persistent Systems and L&T Technology Services leading the gains. TCS, Infosys, ICICI Bank, Reliance Industries and HDFC Bank are among the most active Nifty 50 stocks intraday.
Nifty 50 Gainers and LosersOn the NSE Nifty index, IT stocks are the top gainers so far. TechM, Wipro, Infosys, HCL Tech and Hindalco are the winners, with Hindalco up almost 3%. The biggest laggards are Bajaj Auto, Hindustan Unilever, UPL, Eicher Motors and Cipla. Bajaj Auto is trading 1.62% down.
On the flip side, 18 stocks fell to their 52 week lows. Pace E-Commerce Ventures, Nureca, Vedant Asset, Enbee Trade and Finance, Atlas Jewellery India, Hester Biosciences, Kiduja India, WinPro Industries were among these scrips.
Also read: Manufacturing sector continues to be resilient, Nov PMI higher at 55.7
NSE Highs and LowsOn the NSE Nifty, 65 stocks hit their 52 week highs including Apollo Tyres, Arrow Greentech, Brand Concepts, Cochin Shipyard, Cummins India, DFM Foods, DCB Bank, Escorts Kubota, Hindustan Foods, HPL Electric & Power, Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts are among others.
Alternatively, 19 stocks including Equippp Social Impact Technologies, Hester Biosciences, Medplus Health Services, N. B. I. Industrial Finance Company, Rudrabhishek Enterprises, Zim Laboratories among others were the stocks at 52 week lows.
Volume Toppers and GainersHatsun Agro Product, Shilpa Medicare, Chemplast Sanmar, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank, Network18 Media & Investments, Gujarat Ambuja Exports are the top volume gainers of the day on NSE. TCS, Tata Steel, Reliance Industries, HDFC Bank, Wipro and TechM were among the volume toppers on the BSE Sensex-30 index.