After RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das posed a riddle to the media, markets and ‘informed circle’ to guess if the MPC’s meeting outcome is hawkish, dovish or ‘something else’ entirely, the markets seem to have come to a consensus: the monetary policy outcome is largely hawkish. Even though investors had factored…
NSE Bulk deals, December 7: NDTV, HCC, STYLAMIND and other major deals took place on Wednesday
Mayank Agrawal bought 77,88,816 shares of Excel Realty N Infra Limited (EXCEL) at Rs 0.70 per share. IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited sold 77,13,391 shares of Hindustan Construction Company Limited (HCC) at Rs 19.33 per share. Molecule Ventures Limited Liability Partnership sold 2,00,000 shares of Kamat Hotels (I) Limited (KAMATHOTEL) at…