Markets regulator Sebi on Friday came out with a framework for alternative investment funds (AIFs) raising capital from foreign investors.At the time of on-boarding investors, the manager of an AIF would have to ensure that the foreign investor is a resident of a country whose securities market regulator is a…
ICICI Bank, Honda Power among 46 NSE stocks to hit 52-week highs, 15 fall to 52-week lows
Indian benchmark indices were trading with mild gains on Wednesday. The BSE Sensex gained over 60 points or 0.1% to trade at 62,746.The NSE Nifty is trading at 18,649, up 0.17% after opening in the red. Sectorally, Nifty Metal is over 1.3% up, Nifty Auto is 0.7% higher while Nifty…