Shares of drug delivery solution provider ZIM Laboratories Ltd got listed at Rs 336 on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on Friday.ZIM Laboratories, already listed on the BSE since June 2018, has now extended its listing to the NSE.At the NSE, the stock of the company closed at Rs 332 per piece.
The total quantity traded stood at 34,653 shares, and the total turnover stood at Rs 117.23 lakh. The company’s market capitalisation stood at Rs 539.23 crore on NSE at the end of today’s session.”We are very happy with the NSE listing, and we believe that it will provide additional liquidity to our shareholders with BSE and it will also bring shareholders through NSE’s wide reach,” the company’s Chairman and Managing Director Anwar Daud said in a statement.He said that the company has developed a portfolio of new innovative and differentiated generic products, which are at an advanced stage of filing in EU markets.
“We are also developing unique e-differentiated nutraceutical products, which are built around the existing pharmaceutical product portfolio for a holistic healthcare approach,” he added.ZIM Laboratories is a pharmaceutical company, focused on providing innovative drug delivery solutions that provide patient convenience and adherence to drug treatment.